Independence through Physical Therapy (ITPT)

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Pain, stiffness, weakness, balance problems, or swelling? Unable to move the ways you once did, from limited movement in a joint to being unable to walk?

Your everyday activities may have been curtailed by an accident, surgery, chemotherapy or any of the thousand things our flesh is heir to. And, even minor changes in how your body behaves can become a permanent disability.

That doesn’t mean having to accept a diminished life.

At ITPT, we want to help you understand the cause of your problems, then learn strategies you can use to control them. With no drugs, special gym equipment, ultrasound, electrical stimulators or traction gadgets.

Our specially trained, highly skilled physical therapists use both Western and Eastern approaches to treatment. They draw on years of experience as well as an ever-expanding body of treatment strategies to help you:

  • Reduce pain
  • Improve your joints’ range of movement
  • Improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls
  • Improve your overall strength and quality of life
  • Avoid medication and/or surgery

Contact us: 360-683-6101


We look forward to helping you…


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